Holly Days
2005-12-25 8:50 p.m.

This has been a whirigig of a week, since my folks are here. They rarely get back to the Right Coast for Christmas anymore, but they came this year.

Their coming meant that we had to kick into high gear. The Samurai bought and assembled a wonderful futon in the Batcave, and I madly assembled the gleaming new guest bath.(It awaits your future visits, dear readers.) We stuffed the boxes waiting to be unpacked into the sewing room. I cleaned and cleaned. When Mama and Daddy arrived, I had not one shred of Christmas decoration up, but we were mostly not under construction anymore.

We've had a great week. Daddy and I found a tree at the eleventh hour for ten bucks, a gorgeous fir, and up it went. The vaulted ceiling in the family room is made for Christmas trees. We hauled all of the Christmas gear out of storage, and discovered the inflatable light-up Frosty with the disturbing half smile/leer that the Samurai bought last year for half price after Christmas. (He looks wayyy too much like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man to suit me.)

We've caroled for Alzheimer's patients, eaten huge meals with friends and family, and spent lots of quality time with Alex, who is being a very charming three-year-old these days. My hubby and I sang in the Christmas choir at our Christmas Eve service, held in a lovely old downtown theater. We even managed to eat turkey, ham, and prime rib all in one week.

I feel utterly blessed with good family, sweet friends, excellent health, and a nice home. I miss our brother, but I know how fortunate I am. I hope all of you are having a warm and peaceful holiday, too.

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