Attention Girl
2005-10-12 10:33 p.m.

Today, I went another three rounds with Attention Girl. She's a student of mine who craves, you guessed it, attention. She's currently trying to get it by doing her little impersonation of a Bad-Ass Gangsta Skank Grrrl.

What this means for me, as her first block teacher, is dress code violations. One day it was a tube top. Another day it was a t-shirt sporting a picture of Bob Marley puffin' on a big ole reefer. (Hey, I am a child of the seventies, and I know ole Bob did not smoke him no Marlboros.) Today, it was a shirt she'd cut a slit into, from neckline to mid-chest. Her girls were on display, all but the nipples. She's proven many times that she can't be trusted to keep her jacket zipped, so off to the office she went. There, she lied and said she'd be allowed back into class while she waited for her mom to bring appropriate attire. I sent her back. No way would my boys be getting any work done with free-range boozums on the loose.

To make matters worse, I got chewed out by an administrator for inconveniencing her mom! I pointed out, quite curtly, that Attention Girl was the cause of the inconvenience. If I were her mama, I'd be dressing her myself, then driving her to school and walking her to class. I'd be overhauling her closet, too. Maybe considering Catholic school.

The admin in question was placated later when he found out that our principal was standing next to me when I returned the child to the office, and approved of my action. She knows I am sick of being asked to enforce rules, then receiving no support from admin.

As for the mom, I've left three messages on her voice mail. AG checks it, and the e-mail, so what do you think will happen to my messages? Progress reports requesting a conference have not reappeared, either. I asked her guidance counselor to contact her dad, at work, to set up a conference. I'm after grabbing this bull by the horns.

Yup. Look out. Missus EduCait is aggravated.I don't really care about the behavior, but the defiance is extending to her learning. She's refusing to do anything but the bare minimum, and she's a smart kid. (Apart from the oppositional fetish, that is.) When a perfectly able student gets a 37 on an open notes test, something must change. I won't allow her to wreck her future through wilfull stubbornness.

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