Mouse Poops Begone!
2005-10-02 9:04 p.m.

The War on Mess at the Hoose continues.

Yesterday, I emptied more boxes, filled the trash can again, and generally toted stuff around. I'm gradually getting like items together, and finding them "forever homes." In some cases, I actually have room left over when I'm done. That's a first, for us. Usually, our storage spaces are huge intricate interlocking puzzles.

Took a break last night to go see Serenity. You, there! Get up! Yeah, you! Getcher bottom off that computer chair and go see this movie! I mean it! Right now!


Back from the movies, I see? How did you like it? Yeah, I cried at that part, too.

But I digress.

Today, the Samurai and I decided to tackle the Mouse Palace after our post-church nap. Armed with gloves, trash bags, shop vac, and bright lights, we cleaned the small side attic. I removed numerous pairs of juvenile-sized tighty whities, socks, several towels, and a green t-shirt. All appeared to be clean, beneath their coating of mousie poopie. Judging from the smell, a cat got shut in there at one time or another, maybe to get the miceys. Eau de Cat Boxe. Tres nasty. Also found three table legs and an old window screen. Chucked those out the window of ManLand, into the yard.

In the larger attic, there wasn't much to do. We'll have to haul the old window unit ACs to the hazardous waste site SPSA runs, but there's good plywood floor in there, and it wasn't full of poops. We actually stored a bunch of stuff in there, so the Hoose is looking less full.

Tomorrow, I steam clean carpets. Again. Yuck.

Right now, it's time to grade papers. Progress reports go out on Thursday. Oh, joy.

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