Answer for Jane
2005-09-25 12:12 p.m.

Jane, Casey really, really loves cats. When he sees one in the neighborhood, he whines and makes "play with me" noises, then looks up at me with his begging face on. He's used to cats. He likes them. His tall dogs, on the other hand, are both mildly allergic.

There are no pictures of Casey on the web currently. I'll have to look into getting some up. This will require A) a digital camera (I can borrow one) B) telephoto lens and C) ninjas. The only way to get a picture of Casey is to surprise him (and make him pee on the rug) or to hide outdoors and wait for your accomplice to lead him close enough for a good shot.

This is due to his fear of flashy lights. Cameras make flashy light, so Casey fears *all* cameras. If you even make the "bringing the camera to your eye" motion without an actual camera, he will whine, cringe, and slink away. He slinks very well for a huge old bear.

I have many photos of his big, wide butt.

He's easy to imagine, though. Look up "Akita" in a dog book. Now look up "border collie." Hold the pictures side by side, and cross your eyes. That's Casey. Sort of a big panda/wolf hybrid, with the soul of a three-year-old boy.

Must go repot African violets. I highly recommend self-watering violet pots and southeast exposure. My violets are going nuts.

Anyone know how to get rust stains off fiberglass? CLR didn't work. Anyone? Bueller?

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