2005-08-23 8:24 p.m.

Progress report on Da Hoose:

* painted Corby's little corner desk black. Moved it into the Batcave. Had to remove door from hinges, but it's in there forever.

* rearranged black bookshelves in Batcave. Filled one with TPBs and action figures. Cool.

* unpacked another 20+ boxes (no kidding!) and found homes for all the teacher things and toys.

* moved metal desk to garage by meself. Ouch. Heavy. How did Vlad carry this by himself? (The boy really is a beef.)

* cleaned up the hoose a bit. Amazed at all the floor space now appearing!

I am so impressed with myself that I took yesterday off. Went shopping for lacy girly bits, got odds and ends for hoose (poster frame for Jim Lee Batman), and went to movies with my pal Kat. We saw Valiant, and had fun identifying British actors' voices.

It's pouring outside (poor Samurai camper man) and I'm unpacking more stuff. Found some old letters from the Pilot when he was just the College Student; so cute! So young! So naive!

Tomorrow, I do yardwork and feed red wine fruit gelatin stuff to church ladies. More soon.

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