Good Bad
2005-06-06 4:51 p.m.

Good and Bad Things.

Good: allergy dog food for Casey seems to help hot spots.
Bad: Random Wonder Borkita poop fests, anytime, anywhere. He just walks, and poops. Yuck.

Good: new doorbell with 64 ringie choices! Currently playing the theme from "The Magnificant Seven."
Bad: People pushing the doorbell OVER and OVER to hear the purty music. Makes Casey woof, and then he...well, you know.

Good: New shade over kitchen window. Very nice. Window not creepy now.
Bad: Whatever I did to my shoulder while reaching up in there to screw in the daggone brackets.

Good: Summer is almost here!
Bad: No AC. Still. Next week, at soonest. Hot. Hot. hot.

Good: School is almost done!
Bad: Students are wild things. Sick of them already.

Good: New screen door. Very screeny. Very slidy.
Bad: Needing new screen door. Did I mention that I'm HOT?

Good: Hubby coming home today!
Bad: Upset hubby calling from Cincy. Poor sweetie. I can't wait to hug him, and let him talk until we have to go get in our hot, sticky, muggy bed.

Might be time to go to a motel. With my luck, we'd get bedbugs.

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