Beez bees buzz
2005-05-14 11:35 p.m.

This morning, I got up rather late, so Casey was doing the peepee dance when we went out.

It was a fine, warm, somewhat cloudy day, with a cool breeze and the sound of lawn mowers off in the distance. We puttered around the yard, me making mental lists for the day. Csey smelling some delicious smells. (Usually from Mr. Bunbun)

Suddenly my neighbor, Susie, appeared, a puckish grin wreathing her face. "Wanna see some bees?"

She'd just received some new bees via the good ole US Mail. There on her driveway, in the shade, sat three squirmy boxes. They weren'f for her backyard hive, but for her husband's farm on the Eastern Shore.

The bees were angry, noisy, and writhing like boiling molten gold. Casey stared at them, pressing against my calves, his tulip-shaped ears at full forward Borkita alert, tail held unhappily low. He whined softly, looked at me, and kept listening intently to the bees. He knew they were pissed.

Susie explained that they would be put into their new hives after sundown, so they wouldn't fly until morning. She also told me her hive had swarmed last Wednesday, with the new queen leading her followers up into a big pine tree. Susie wasn't able to reach them to get them into an empty hive box, so they'd left for good. There are still plenty of bees around here, though. The old hive is vigorous, and she has more over on the Eastern Shore.

I got the lawn mowed, and the Samurai hauled logs and fixed the weed whacker. We've cleaned out the area where the Horrible Tree was, and it's ready for some ground cover. I planted periwinkle and big swamp violets (from Susie) and got my iris bulbs into the ground next to my surprise hostas.I still want to get some more flowers around the yard, and do some containers on the porch and the deck. Maybe I'll do some more bed digging on Wednesday, while I wait for the AC guys to come.

I love being a garden grrl.

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