Time to EduCait some boss people!
2005-02-10 8:52 p.m.

This is how school officials think.

First, spend INSANE amounts of money to get your teachers new textbooks and ancillary materials. Make sure you shell out the extra bucks to get the little teacher workbook stuff on CD, because then the teachers won't have to lug boxes of materials around. Hooray for the information age! We are so progressive!

Next, spend lotsa cash on shiny new computers with CD-RW capability. Require your teachers to keep all their files on CDs. Woot! We are so forward-thinking!

Put the new 'pooters in classrooms. Schedule classes so that the rooms are never, ever empty. Make sure to have tutoring in the morning, classes every single bell, and club stuff in the afternoon. Utilize your facilities! The teachers can work in their big teacher workroom!

Next, make a rule that all the shiny new 'pooters can only be in areas accessible to kids, so they are usable for instruction. Under no circumstances are we putting these in a teacher workroom! What a waste THAT would be!

You got it--I have loads of pretty materials on CD, but I can't get to them, because the computers I'm supposed to use at work don't have CD-ROM readers, much less CD-RW capability. I'm not allowed near the ones that would read my expensive software. Forget about printing any of the stuff. No way!

And, to ice the cake, we get a memo, from our subject area coordinator, telling us we need to utilize more of our ancillary materials. Yes, the ones on the CD.


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