2005-02-15 7:00 p.m.

I'm just a grumbly old lady today. I guess this weekend was hard on me. We went to Uncle Ned's funeral, and hung out with the Samurai's wonderful family. Found out the hard way that the "last tones on the pager" ritual for a deceased firefighter is incrdibly hard to take. (Thought of Blooeye the entire time.) Biggest downside was that I didn't sleep well, and I got kind of squirrelly from being in a crowd all weekend. Now I'm just plain cranky.

My hubby did his usual Valentine's Day magic, and found me a Wonder Woman hand mirror! Just the thing for a comic-fiend geek grrl like me. He knows me so well. I made him some savory toasted cheese last night, courtesy of Rosine's magnet on my fridge. Any time my marriage seems stale, I think STC will perk it right up.

I think I'm just drained. Problem is, I don't get any time to recharge. If nothing else blows up (like the breaker that totally melted last Thursday, depriving me of my dryer) or floods, I might get some progress made on da hoose this week. If the freakin' school crappus dies down, I might get to sleep, too. I am resolved not to spend any at-home time on parent calls or e-mails, or papers, or lessons, for the rest of this week. Of course, that means getting up at 5 and to school by 7:30, but it'll be worth it. I gotta get that bathroom painted!

I think I'll try getting Casey to scrape walls. HIs tongue is fairly abrasive.

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