Angry Teacher Rant
2005-01-20 6:57 p.m.

Yesterday, I arrived at school about an hour before I had to, as is my wont. I had already been up since 5, doing stuff for school at home.

I had just enough time at school to get all my plans, copies, etc. done before kids showed up. This was due to the fact that half of our copy equipment is busted at any given time.

Taught two bells, then had to deal with a fit of Teenage Girl From Hades during study hall. Wrote a referral and ran off stuff for 7th bell SOL Lab while I ate, all twenty minutes' worth.

Taught two more bells, galloped out of bell 5 to a meeting. Sat through stuff that should have been put into an e-mail. Finally, my principal turned to me and asked me (good little teacher-of-the-year candidate that I am) if I had any suggestions.

I told her to quit wasting my planning time with useless meetings. I told her I already spend every waking moment on school, and I cannot give her any more. I told her that my 6th bell planning time, a whopping 45 minutes, was already inadequate for making required parental phone contacts, looking up records in guidance, planning with my inclusion partner, updating my web site, checking my voice mail, answering e-mail, making course recommendations for guidance, creating make-up work packets for sick kids, and grading papers. I told her I had to go now, because I had to teach a class in five minutes and I hadn't been potty since 8:45 AM. She gaped at me.

See, teachers are usually nice people. We suffer fools in silence because it's what's expected of us if we're acting "professional." We nod and smile and grind our teeth. No one ever asks us what we think. Now I guess I know why. Someone asked me what I thought, and I told her. She couldn't deny any of it, really, and she didn't have an easy answer for me.

I stayed at school, despite the steadily rising snow, until 5 last night to get my sub plans ready for today.

Our city was the only one in Tidewater to have school today, two hours late. The Samurai was not pleased. I stayed home to wait for duct guys. I knew I needed to stay away from school, because if one more person asks me for one more thing, I will quit. I will give up eighteen years worth of hard work and experience in sheer, utter frustration.

I really, really hope it snows like hell tonight, because I need some time and distance. I need to catch up on grading papers, and get my house straight. I need to cook dinner, instead of being too tired for anything more complex than cold cereal. I need to cuddle up on my sofa and watch snow fall.

After all, I have a conference on Monday with my principal and the mommy of Discouraged Boy. At 2, during my planning bell. Grrrrrrrrr.

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