2005-01-18 6:41 p.m.

My stoodinks forgot EVERYTHING they knew over their three day weekend.

"The" is now an adverb! "Quickly" is a verb! "Boy" is an adjective (in "the boy ate the hamburger.") Aaaagh! They HAD it on Friday. They've been doing piddly liddle sentences for YEARS. Aaagh! What WERE they thinking?

And they refuse to read their novel, even though it's a "good" one, with shootin' and stuff. I despair of anyone graduating from high school before age 30.

Also had a wrangle with a mommy who appealed a suspension. She knows her little booger was rude to me; he admits it. She just doesn't want him to serve a suspension because he'll be "discouraged."

Guess what? I WANT him discouraged. I want him to think twice the next time he decides to call me "stupid old lady" to my face! I want him to hesitate before telling me my class is crap! Yes, discouraged is what we're after, here! He's a perfect angel when he wants to be. I want him terrified that anything less than angelic behavior will land him in hot, hot water. In this case, a little healthy fear is totally in the best interest of this kid.


Gonna go whip up evil assignment to wake up my idjits tomorrow. Forecast calls for flurries, though; I might be up against impossible competition. Might be time to put on the chicken PJs and dance the Snow Boogaloo. Casey gets upset when I dance, but he likes snow!

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