2005-01-08 2:05 p.m.

Well, the little bastiches who were partyin' in our hood last night were out in front at 3 AM, hollering and fixin' to fight.

The Samurai (home by then) and the guy across the street both went out and glared at them, so they went further up the street. We think they were attending a party around the corner.

Here's the plan:
*Talk to the neighbors.
*Emerge and tell the kids to move on, because we're calling the cops.
*Call the cops--these guys are underage, out after curfew, and drunk.
*Follow through with my plan to call the precinct on Monday, then go over there and chat with the neighborhood watch officer.
*Next time there's a party, stroll down the street and take note of address. Visit next morning, EARLY, and speak with adults. Let them know that their guests are causing a disturbance, and that we'll call police. Local ordinances prohibit folks from causing a "public nuisance," and that covers having regular parties where your guests piss off your neighbors.
*Plant very poky bushes on corner. (Holly, pyracantha, giant man-eating Venus flytrap....)

Basically, the plan is to let folks know that a loud bitch and a quiet hardass live here, and that it pays to be good neighbors. Pretty much the same plan we use with bad kids in class.

Off to work on the den. Gotta get the books out of the moldy garage!

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