Teechum Creechums Done Now
2004-11-02 9:41 p.m.

Day 2 of the edumacation conference. Concurrent Sessions, oh boy!

First one was cool. Learned how to do stuff with Word to make my dyslexic kiddos happy. Excellent.

Second one, about getting kids to use standard written English, was also cool. Debate ensued in the room, all professional and highly stimulating. Learned lots there.

Lunch was yummy, again. So far, so good.

Third session was rushed advertisement for an all-day training thing. It boiled down to a nice college professor making something simple become unnecessarily complex, resulting in an unwieldy, useless teaching strategy. She admitted she'd tried it on ONE kid. I could have told her how to streamline it to make it work for twenty-five, but then I was told I needed to be "true to the nature of the research model." Get her in my classroom, my kids will show her what she can do with her research model!

I kept wishing that someone would give teachers some money to organize their own symposium, taught by teachers instead of administrators or profs, where we could learn about stuff that actually works. Since we all DO base our classroom practices on research and current student data, we DO actually have things to share. I'm just sick of Magic Bullets being peddled by Idiot Savants (who can't spell--every single presentation by every single PhD contained multiple spelling and grammar mistakes.).

We were all disgusted by 3, so we left early and voted. I found the huge turnout very encouraging.

Gotta get the hoose ready for paint, still. Sigh.

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