Better now....
2004-10-01 12:23 a.m.

Well, things are better in EduCaitLand.
The Student Teacher is doing beautifully. She's way exceeded my expectations. We soothed the fears of the kids over my absence by assuring them that they could send me e-mails. Got a couple of cute ones today.
I spent today in the guidance records room, looking up files of kids I've got red-flagged for potential problems. Two files in particular had me in tears. I mean, what kind of mom sells the sexual favors of her five-year-old daughter for crack? Now I've got to try to teach the poor kid, whose emotional problems have made her a very prickly, volatile young woman. She got in trouble Monday for threatening my inclusion partner-teacher. Last year, she brought a knife to school. She's going to need a phenomenal amount of love and reassurance.
Another of my boys has had a life of domestic violence, as mom moved from one abusive relationship to another. This happens to bright, sensitive kids all the time.
I know, it's public school, so we are a microcosm of society's ills. It's just hard to see children so brutalized by their parents' idiocy. The kids didn't do anything wrong, but they're being punished. I hope I have the strength to carry them through this year.
In other news, we are go for closing in mid-October on the hoose, and all looks good. Still have to arrange utilities and home inspection, once I get a closing date.
Casey is having a fit of the clingies this week. He really wants to be right next to me whenever possible. He was so whiny and demanding while I cooked dinner tonight that I got down on the foor and petted him for a good half hour after we ate. He wasn't truly happy until I stretched out on the floor next to him and hugged him. Then he heaved a huge sigh of contentment, relaxed, and went to sleep. He can go from alert to conked out in seconds. He's such a momma's boy. I'm amazed that he's so fixated on us, since we are not his original people. I think he needs a brother or sister (DOG, that is) next spring. He gets lonely.
Must go sleep. Got lots to do tomorrow!

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