2004-06-29 9:39 p.m.

So, chillun, how do you like the new classroom? The Bookgirl is an amazing woman, indeed! She even made me that cute lil space vehicle. Isn't it just darling? I love my new template! Thank you, fellow non-ninja.

EduCait is very, very tired. I'm not getting much sleep. But it's summer, you say. You can sleep all you want.

Ah, the irony. Summer is when my brain starts to work again. Usually I am so bone-deep destroyed that I pitch headlong into dreamless slumber, but during the summer, my brain takes its own weird little detour.

Sunday night, I dreamed vivid dreams in which I was giving birth to triplets, in a very leisurely manner. Mad-Eye Moody was the obstetrician. (Yes I'm re-reading Harry Potter.Constant vigilance!) Triplet #1 was named Jordan, and the Samurai was pleased, until I told him that the other two babies would be part fish. Dunno how I knew that. This all segued into me directing the new Batman film, trying to explain to Christian Bale that Batman doesn't quote Shakespeare in every scene.

Last night found me dealing with Samurai sword-spin. Duchess Mel taught me about sword-spin, in which the fighter with whom one is trying to sleep re-enacts battles in his dreams all night. Mine had lots of sparring in aikido last night, so he had the jimmyleg all night long. Poking him did no good. He kicked the snot out of our poor mattress.

I got up early to take Casey to get a bath and haircut. He looks much more like a real Akita now. Smells less like a real homeless guy's bellybutton, too.

I did manage to stay awake long enough to go see Fahrenheit 9/11. Wow. What a rollercoaster that was. Will be filling my prayers with earnest wishes for the safety of all my former students currently in Iraq. One is particularly dear to me (married to my protege-sister,too) and I can't bear to think of what he's going through right now.

Tomorrow: SPIDEY 2!!! Waaaahoo!

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