Fat dog!
2004-06-27 12:40 a.m.

Yesterday, I dragged Casey the Wonder Borkita's massive butt to the vet for some shots. He knew where he was going, because it took forever to cajole him into the van. He gave me a dirty look when we got there, too. He hates going to the vet.

Inside, however, he was quite the gentledog, as usual. Everyone approaches him the same way: look of trepidation, followed by ,"Gosh, he's big." When he wags and looks cute, people pet him cautiously, and are rewarded with his Big Ole Teddy Bear act. He is such a sucker for ear scratching. Most folks also ask what kind of dog he is, to which I answer, "Miniature Panda."

He was sucking up affection when I persuaded him to step onto the scales. I was sure he'd lost weight. He gets long walks, eats only dog food (no table food), and has absolutely no reason to gain weight.

He'd gone from 99 lbs. to 109.5 lbs. My dog is huuuuge.

The vet is concerned about his thyroid, and doing bloodwork. He's on a prescription Fat Dog diet, which I mix with his current dry food. He's showing his displeasure by leaving bits of kibble everywhere. He's supposed to get down to 77 lbs. Uh huh. Riiiight. We'll see about that.

Today, I've been trying to convince this migraine I have that my prescription migraine meds really work. The headache is winning. If I were an assassin, this would be the ideal time for me to work, because the pain really does make me want to kill something. Good thing I'm a nice lady.

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