Mixed up
2004-04-26 9:37 p.m.

What a mixed-up day.

I started the day with a TOTALLY UNNECESSARY department meeting. My physical presence is not really required for someone to tell me that they don't really have much to tell me. That's why we have e-mail; oh, wait, no, e-mail is for passing on stories about toilet spiders. Silly me!

I taught a bunch of surly monkeys who had the cheek to question my competence! I got them back: I handed back graded papers, in which I basically doubted *theirs.* Considering that I know what I'm doing, and they don't, they've really got big cast iron ones. Oh, wait; they're teenagers! Of COURSE they know everything. How COULD I have forgotten that? (Or, as they would say, "could of forgot that jank.")

One of the monkeyettes left her journal in the room. Had to find her name so's I could get it back to its owner, and it happened to be opposite a page detailing her recent sexual history. Oh, dear. Turned journal over to her counselor. Not looking forward to fallout from that, tomorrow. Ick. (She's 13.)

I went to my new dentist. I like her! I have gone to the same guy for, oh, thirty years (really! no shit!). Don't like the way he's running his practice these days, so I changed. The new doc tells me that my broken molar can be refilled, in about half an hour. No $400 root canal, no $300 crown, which is what my old dentist wanted to do. Plus, the new dentist has a cool stand-up x-ray machine that gets a pic of all your teeth at once. That was fun!

Unfortunately, the antibiotics I had to take prior to the dental visit (heart implant, remember?) have made me the gastric equivalent of a herd of cows. (Ever smelled a herd of cows? Extremely flatulent. Great methane producers. Noisy asses, too.) An odd side effect of this is that Casey comes running every time I pass gas, an admiring look on his face. Since he is a champion tooter himself, I feel oddly complimented. I'll eat some yogurt before bed so I don't asphyxiate the Samurai.

Casey also enjoyed the thunderstorm this evening, so much so that he spent an hour with his big ole head under my arm, quaking like a goofy pup. He's just sure that Thor eats Wonder Borkitas for snackies. Poor ole dawg.

I must go think of more wickedness to keep the monkeys busy tomorrow. Sentence diagrams are so much fun!

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