Empress Floss-Ripper!
2004-03-31 8:54 p.m.

Ok, Rosine, I'm Empress Floss-Ripper!

(www.micro-mania.net/stadler/page0008.html ,for your Stitching Name)

Today was both better and worse than yesterday. Had a lovely conference in which we got to tell a sweet mom how much her lovely son has improved, and gush about what a cool kid he is. She wept with relief, poor lady; now she wants to fix us lunch! (Filipino Mom Food, yum!)

The foo is still flying over our, um, overactive young man. Our kids are angry; today they shunned his *desk*, even though he wasn't there. They all moved their seats as far away from his as possible, silently. I've made it clear that they must be polite, but I'm wondering if I need to get the Samurai to refresh my wrist-lock technique, in case I have to break anything up tomorrow. It's not pleasant.

Coming home and playing with Casey helped a lot. The Wonder Borkita was all prancy tonight. He also loves horsey noises on TV. Maybe I should buy him a horsey of his own?

On de Headbone: The Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends, from Oklahoma!

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