Fun with Sleep Deprivation
2003-05-09 11:38 p.m.

This week has been an exercise in sleep deprivation. We've both been working like fiends to get progress reports done, and our downstairs neighbor has taken to playing some LOUD video game at 4 freakin' AM every day.

To add another little bit of stress to my already generous helping, I was told yesterday that we'll be field-testing the new History SOL at our school next week. This means ALL of us test our first bell kids, so I'm losing another instructional day. I also got to sign the "tell anyone what's on this test and we'll cut out your liver with a butter knife" document.

I spent today dealing with Unfair Boy (everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I do is met with shouts of "This is unfair!"), Sleepy Boy (who finally woke up when I made him stand up in the center of the room, away from the walls), Cleavage Girl (who almost became Nipple Girl when she twisted around to get her book), and Colon Boy. The latter told me he'd taken a laxative at lunch (WTF?) and really needed to potty. He always needs to potty during my class, so I sent him to the clinic along with a note from me about the laxative thing, since the kids aren't supposed to self-medicate at school. He told the nurse he'd drunk prune juice at lunch. I suspect his need to go to the loo had something to do with clandestinely meeting his girlfriend. I eventually got his mom on the phone to express my concern over his need for a laxative, only to be informed that the boy is "fulla shit" (I knew this) and that he'd be scrubbing toilets all weekend (with a toothbrush) for being "a lying fool." I love my job.

Now, here's what you do when you're sleep-deprived.

First, the Samurai called me in a panic. His credit card was gone. He used it Sunday, then put it away until he tried to buy cheap gas in the wilds of rural Va. this evening. No card. I searched the house. No card. We thought maybe he's left it at the restaurant where we dined with BlooEye on Sunday, so we called. No card. Wearily, I pulled out my card to call Visa and report his missing...and realized his name was on my card. I looked again, and found that I'd had both cards all along. Hysterical giggling ensued.

Next, I thought I'd better call Thjora and Sir Crow because they were supposedly on their way here, and it was getting late. I cleaned house this afternoon and everything. Picked up the phone, glanced at a calendar...and realized they're coming NEXT week. The Samurai hadn't corrected me, either, as he's just as loony as I am. Oopsie. More giggling. Hiccups.

We need sleep. Nite-nite!

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