Counting Stones
2002-10-28 6:45 p.m.

Sorry I haven't posted lately. My dark side ran rampant towards the end of last week, and anything I posted would not have been fun to read. The Samurai provided the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm better now. Most of you have never seen me at my darkest; I try hard not to inflict myself on my friends when I'm feeling like I was last Thursday.

Yesterday, on the other hand, was divine. I got to watch a game of hero clix at the Colin-G/Bookgirl House O'Fun. I tried to pay attention and learn rules, reeeally I did...but I just can't get into board games. I wander. I just can't do it. I'm too much of a gerbil.

So, instead, I played with the real kids. Got to rock sweet Marcus, and got some giggles out of him, playing peekaboo. He's really growing into Mr. Personality.

I also received some delightful below-the-knee Zach hugs, lots of "I wanna hold you!" requests, and a counting lesson. Zach and I were watching Babe ("Piggy! Duck!") when Zach zipped into the dining room, returning with a handful of blue glass pebbles.

He dumped them on the floor in front of me, then, catching my eye sternly, intoned,"One."

I didn't get it; he persisted until I figured out that I was supposed to count with him. He was teaching me, y'see.

We counted, very carefully, up to twenty-five. Zach abandoned his usual mix of Zacklish and little-kid talk for a husky, very precisely enunciated professorial tone. He's gonna make a great econ instructor at Harvard.

That is, until Momma arrives with his jammies and he has to be TWO again.

Sigh. Now I must go grade the re-test. The goober-heads had a SIXTY percent failure rate on the last one, so I made 'em do another one. I let 'em use their notes, too!

Maybe I should hire Zach as my assistant.

On de Headbone: the song from Babe, what else? (courtesy of Saint-Saens)

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