Bondi Beach Bingo
2002-10-05 3:19 p.m.

I'm back.

Yes, we survived computerless for two whole weeks. Now we've contributed to Mr. Ponytail Techie Guy's kid's college fund, and the Bondi Blue Beach Ball is back in action. Mental note: ask Santa for new 'pooter.

It's not easy being sick when you're me, hyperactive gerbil-brain that I am, but it's worse without a computer. I've read a lot, watched DVDs in a feverish delirium (quidditch is waaay cool when your brain is cooking), and had weird dreams. One memorable one involved the Samurai, Blackbear, and the Authority (badass superhero team) remodeling a house for me, a la Trading Spaces. I woke up when Jenny Sparks (the Spirit of the Twentieth Century) "rewired" the house.

Now I'm too sick to go to the History Alive demo and watch Bear and Badger deform metal. Bitterly disappointed. Wanted to wear my stoopid linen hoods. Bah!

So here's my inane listy thingy, thanks to da Bear:

1.Living arrangement?

Very crowded apt. The Samurai is a packrat. Too many books! 2.What book are you reading now?

The Book of Night With Moon, Diane Duane 3.What's on your mouse pad?

flying PPG's 4.Favorite board game?

I hate board games; they bore me! 5.Favorite magazine?

(sheepishly)People 6.Favorite smells?

My armored husband after a field battle OR fresh-cut roses 7.Least favorite smells?

Cigarettes 8.Favorite sounds?

Rain on my roof; eighth graders taking a test; the Samurai's I'm-asleep-but-talking voice 9.Worst feeling in the world?

Exam? What exam? TODAY? 10.What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

Is this a school day? 11.Favorite color?

deep, rich, forest green 12.Favorite Song?

Hijo de la Luna, Mecano 13.How many rings before you answer the phone?

I don't usually answer it. Sorry. 14.Future child's name?

Farqhar Hiroyuki 15.What is most important in life?

Love! 16.Favorite foods?

Chocolate, caramel, cheese 17.Chocolate or vanilla?

See #16. 18.Do you like to drive fast?

Yes. 19.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Only if you count the Samurai. 20.Storms - cool or scary?

Cool, unless the sky turns green. 21.What type was your first car?

1982 Toyota Corolla 22.If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be?

Shakespeare 23.Favorite alcoholic drink?

Guinness stout 24.What is your zodiac sign?

Sagittarius/Tiger 25.Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

only if my mom is watching 26.If you could have any job you wanted what would it be?

Teaching...oh, wait, I do that. 27.If you could dye your hair any color?

green 28.Ever been in love?

Yes. Still am. 29.Is the glass half empty or half full?

I though I put that glass in the dishwasher! 30.Favorite movie:

Raising Arizona 31.Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?

There are "right keys"? 32.What's under your bed?

luggage, clothes, firearms 33.Favorite number?

7 34.Favorite sport to watch?

Equestrian stuff-show jumping is my favorite. I like sumo, too.

On the Headbone:The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, Leonard Nimoy. I wanna do the little hobbity dance!

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