Alex is here!
2002-09-19 2:21 p.m.

Well, I'm being really naughty and doing this at work, since my Little Bondi Blue RevA Corpuscle is flootzed up. Once I get it fixed, I'll post more.

The Big News in EducaitLand is the NEW NEPHEW! Wooooohooo!

My baby brother and his wondrous wife have produced adorable wee Alex. He arrived on Tuesday evening, and Uncle Samurai and Aunt Educait got to cuddle him last night. He's a precious little guy, 8 pounds, twelve ounces, 21 1/2 inches long, with enormous hands and feet, just like his sweet daddy. He will be appropriately spoiled, I promise.

Must go buy the baby some books; it's never too early to start!

On the Headbone: Low Rider, War (blame my husband)

Reading: cool nonfiction, A Running Brook of Horror by Daniel Mannix. My kids are enthralled.

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