Old Hotness
2002-08-11 2:53 p.m.

Well, the last two days of my temporarily-single existence were fun, thanks to Liam. He got me out of the house and kept my mind off missing my hubby, which was very sweet of him. It's good to have friends!

Today, I'm fighting a migraine, and feeling old. The problem with having younger friends is that I often feel like an old lady around them. This is odd, because I'm actually enjoying my middle age.

At 39,I'm much, much smarter than I was at 22. I'm a little chubbier, but I'm working on that. I'm actually in pretty good shape, compared to ten years ago, when I was significantly tubbier. I have a different set of priorities. I appreciate my friends and family more. And-guys with thirty-something wives/honeys, take note-for women, sex after thirty-five is amazing. Really. Just wait, ladies.

I do have to cope with coloring my very gray hair (better living through chemistry is my motto) and crappy eyesight, but I can deal with those things. I'm looking forward to seeing whether I look more like my mom or my grandma as I age. I'm glad I don't have to wear what young women today are wearing (ugh) or cope with AIDS, STDs, and date-rape drugs. It's nice to be off the market, happy in my marriage, and pleased with my career (generally).I have security, but I can still be open to new ideas, and keep trying to learn new things. I still enjoy goofy movies, comics, toys, and playing with little kids.We'll see where I am in ten years, eh?

On the Headbone: Jumpin' Jive, Joe Jackson (it's his birthday!)

Recent Movie I Loved: Bubble Boy! I love satire, especially when it's disguised as a goofy human fable. (Hey, I love Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Raising Arizona, and the Pee Wee Herman movies for the same reasons.)

Signs was good, too, but I agree with Blackbear that the ending sorta sucked.

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