Mall Anthro 101
2002-06-28 9:03 p.m.

Sorry about the hiatus, there, folks. SOMEBODY at my house turned the cookies off without telling me, and Diaryland requires cookies as tribute before one may pass. Grrrr.

I've been a real mall rat lately. It's steamy outside, and I've got some significant personal shopping to catch up on, as I have no time to shop for nine months of the year. This means more Mall Anthropology!

Some recent field observations:

*A disturbing number of Americans do not own mirrors. That's the only reason I can come up with to excuse the way some of these folks look. Saw several Middle-aged Married Men today who apppeared to have dashed to the mall while in the midst of mowing the lawn in their Led Zep t-shirts from college and clumsily hacked cutoffs.I KNOW their wives didn't turn 'em loose that way.

*Teenaged boys have discovered waists and belts again, thank heaven.

*If Mom and Dad are dirigible-shaped, the tykes are likely a wee bit overblown, as well. Sighted many herds of Blimp People in food court. Ruined my appetite, it did.

*Many young ladies are of the mistaken opinion that men won't think they're easy just because they shop at Sluts R Us. I haven't seen that much cleavage in years, and I grew my own, which I see every day.

*Baby strollers have the right of way at all times, especially when parked at ends of escalators or entrances to stores.(note to self:possible tactical applications?)

*It is a good idea to feed your eight-year-old a nice cold frappucino on a summer day. After a few swigs, wonder aloud why Junior is such a jibbering monkeychild. Call his pediatrician on your cell phone to discuss higher Ritalin dosage.

*Whatever you do, don't try to snatch the last roast beef sandwich in the deli case from that brown-haired lady. She is hungry, and will elbow you in your solar plexus. She's not a ninja, but she's probably working for a government agency you don't wanna eff with.

Book du jour: American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

What are YOU reading this summer? C'mon, tell me! Make Educait proud of her literate buddies!

On the Headbone Radio:Watching the Detectives, Elvis Costello (didja know his real name is Declan McManus?)

Latest summer movie: Minority Report. Wow!

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