2002-07-01 11:44 p.m.

'Tis the season for visiting my husband's relatives.

Since most of them are in places like Mississippi or Tennessee, it gets a bit Southern-Gothic at times. This past weekend, we attended the wedding of Frank's delightful cousin Laura, held at a beautiful old church in Fredericksburg. The Miss. and Tenn. contingents turned out, and clashing accents ensued.

Frank's dad came up from Miss. to officiate at the wedding (yep, Frank's a preacher's kid) and to take custody of my oldest nephew, Cisco, a German Shepherd/Lab mix.

See, Frank's brother and his family are moving to Florida, and can't keep Cisco with them at present. Dad was going to take Cisco home with him-in the back of his pickup truck, chained inside an empty fifty-gallon steel drum turned on its side. To me, this sounded like a recipe for Baked Dog a la Redneck. In an effort to keep poor Cisco from meeting his doom, we offered to take him home with us for a few days, then to Dad's on Thursday, when we head to Miss. for a family reunion (for Mom's side of Frank's family). As a result, I have an eighty-pound, panting shadow. Cisco is much larger than Junior, but more unobtrusive. He is very quiet and agile, so he just kind of wanders along behind me. He's been pretty obsessive about wanting his head or paw on my foot, too. I think he's used to going to bed around ten, because that's when he curled up on his blanket and sacked out. We'll enjoy him for three days, then take him to Dad.

Going to Dad's is a whole huge production. He lives in Greenwood, a small town mostly trapped in 1979.It's where I first heard that women over 35 shouldn't wear shorts to the Jitney Jungle, and that lipstick, toenail polish, and "fixed" (i.e. BIG) hair were all de rigeur for grocery shopping. I also have to remember which parts of town I'm not supposed to shop in-those would be the unofficial "colored" parts. Yes, it is horrible, but it's for three days, and the folks at the reunion are not much like the folks in Greenwood. Most of them are from other parts of the state!

On the headbone:You've Lost That Loving Feeling, The Righteous Bros.

More good reading: Good Omens, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

Another summer movie: Ride With the Devil, Tobey Maguire's second Ang Lee film. We thought it was going to be awful, but we liked it in spite of ourselves.

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