Happy Anniversary!
2002-06-15 2:08 p.m.

I'm FINALLY done with school for the summer! Wooohooooooo!

There were tears Thursday; some of my kids this year were very dear to me. One told me I was her "second mom," and that I'd been the best teacher she'd ever had. I boohooed a lot over that! She made teaching her easy, because she's a bright, sweet, compassionate kid.

On the bright side, five of my darlings want to come to our local event on Saturday.I'm sure I'll feel like a momma duck!

Today is our seventeenth wedding anniversary. We are going to go out for dinner and have a Big Old Time. Gen and Alan, I hope you are as blessed as we have been. We've been together eighteen and a half years; every time I think I can't possibly love Frank more, I find that I do! He has taught me that my capacity to love and be loved is far, far greater than I ever could have dreamed it would be. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me. With every breath I take, I try to be the best wife I can be, for him.

On the Headbone: Mary Mac, Carbon Leaf.

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