One More Day!
2002-06-12 11:05 p.m.

I think I go to the grocery store too often.

I shop at a really nice Harris Teeter that is conveniently located on my way home from school. The checkers there are friendly high-school kids, and they all know I'm a teacher. Today I'm in there. checking out, when THREE of them rush over and ask if I'm psyched about tomorrow being the last day of school. (It was a slow day at HT.) I'm way too popular there!

Tomorrow is our last day with the kids. I'm gonna wave bye-bye to the buses as they leave, as I do every year, with tears streaming down my evil little face. Then I'm gonna go do the Happy Dance!

Still have to work Friday-book inventory, mostly-but I'll survive.

Grades are done; just hafta do detail work on the gradebook tonight.

Mr. Hairy Jeremy Junior Electrician was back today; called me "ma'am" and made me feel old. (Well, okay, I AM old.)

On the Friday evening agenda: rent DVDs and beach myself on the sofa.

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