Hot for Robotman?
2002-06-08 3:48 p.m.

Only four more days of school!

Yesterday, our last Friday of the year, we had one sexual assault (boy groping girl), one drug possession (pot in cafeteria), and one kid assaulting a teacher (freaked out and chucked a desk at the poor guy.) Really, I teach at an excellent school; you should see the crap going on at other area schools right now! However, like all public schools, we take what's out there. If our district includes kids whose dads tell them that girls love forcible fondling (and do it in front of them), or big brothers who ask you to hold their weed for them, or personal circumstances that require multiple psychoactive medications, we have to teach 'em. I'll be glad when school is out, and I can spend quality time with other teachers. Our main problem tends to be post-traumatic stress syndrome.

My own darlings were angels yesterday, oddly enough, busily rehearsing their Shakespeare and telling me how cool it is to be performing on Monday. I tried not to gape at them; ruins my magisterial dignity when I look like a fish.

Husband just called me an "impudent human girl." Warm glow at unintended compliment.

Impudence is GOOD!

On another front, I'm delighted by the current avalanche of babies. I'm looking forward to cuddling them and putting them all to sleep. (One of my superpowers: baby tranquilizer.)

Book of the moment: No book! COMIX! Hit the comics store yesterday; currently engrossed in "Ultimate Spider-man" and "The Doom Patrol."(I looove Robotman...I have a thing for nice guys encased in metal, heheh!)

Song on the Headbone: Black Dog, Led Zep.

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