Attack of the Clones
2002-05-19 3:55 p.m.

Hubby insisted on going to see Attack of the Clones yesterday. I didn't protest, as I was eager to see it, too.

Enjoyed all the activity; it certainly kept Mrs. ADD Poster Girl Educait very happy. Mr. Kickbutt Yoda was worth the price of admission alone.Fun movie!

However, I had a few reservations.

(Spoilers ahead!)

I didn't understand why normally-levelheaded Padme would flounce around in teensy costumes (and her nighty!) when Anakin is already making her "uncomfortable" with his smoldering stares. She's surely had experience with how men react to such get-ups as backless chiffon dresses made mostly of knotted scarves. How did she think her lusty young padawan would behave? If she were serious about keeping him at arm's length, she'd have been wearing those a-line tapestry high-necked getups and surrounding herself with ladies-in-waiting. Bah! Temptress!

I also can't for the life of me figure out why the Genosians don't have a covered hangar for poor Obi-Wan to land in. If people in Oregon have it figured out, you'd think the Genosians would get it: when you live in a place where it always rains, it's nice to have a garage, so you can get in and out of your vehicles without drowning. I also wondered why Obi-wan had to keep transmitting messages in which he looked cold, wet, and miserable, and needed to SHOUT in order to be heard. Some spy work! (Jedi masters don't get cold, either, do they? And they never eat, sleep, or go potty.)

Finally, I had problems with Anakin acting like a baby. I have LOTS of experience with teenage angst. Usually, the kids who sulk as audibly and often as Anakin aren't the ones with the real problems. (They unload a lot of pent-up stuff, then feel better.) It's the quiet ones who worry me. Anakin would seem far more menacing to me if he only hinted at his resentment, rather than venting as extravagantly as he does. I'm also surprised that Padme has any respect for him at all, after all those tantrums.

Still can't see how Lucas is going to get through Ep. III. It'll be interesting.

In the meantime, must go rent Hidden Fortress, the Japanese movie that gave Lucas the original idea for Star Wars. Funny how he never mentions it!

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