Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man
2002-05-16 8:37 p.m.

Wow! Just got back from seeing Spider-man.

Genie is right about Tobey Maguire; he's far from ordinary. He's dead on as Peter Parker.

As for Jeremy's theory about Spidey vs. Bats, I'd say movie Spidey could whup movie Batman's hiney. Regarding the comic-book versions, it would be fun to see Batman the Master Strategist vs. Spidey's speed and agility.To quote one of Duke Dickon's t-shirts, "Youth and skill are no match for age and treachery."

My personal theory is that Wonder Woman could take 'em all down. Been reading DK2? This gal has earth-shakin' (literally) sex with Supes. She had his BABY, fergoshsakes. Can you imagine squeezing out a superbaby? Probably a whoppin' biggun, too. Wondy can handle more pain than any of those boyos. I sure wouldn't mess with her. (Hey, all the REAL badasses in the world are mothers. Ask any eighth grader. They fear the Momma Phone Call more than any of my other super-powers.)

Song on de Headbone: Spider by They Might Be Giants ("He is our hero!")

Booooook: Bunnicula by Deborah and James Howe. I may have to name my next dog Harold.

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