Purple and Yellow Are Not My Favorite Colors
2002-02-09 12:46 a.m.

Today is not a good day.

I am not an old lady yet, but I am aging in strange ways that don't really show outwardly. My hips ache, unless I'm really good and do my yoga. My knees always hurt, no matter what. I have another wonderful migraine. And the ONLY pain reliever I am allowed to take is Tylenol.

Sucks, don't it?

I AM Geniealisa's second rat. I can't do a doggone thing about any of this mess, because I'm taking blood thinners (rat poison!) to prevent me from having more strokes. Can't drink alcohol to ease the misery, either.(Makes me hurl.)

Maybe it's a test.What reward do I get if I'm patient? A cookie? A new exercise wheel?

Another special side effect of being on rat dope is that I get mysterious bruises. If I really screw up, and bang into something, I get a nice hematoma. Very colorful. (Anyone see my pretty purple toes at last Coronation?) I've got a nice swollen bruise on my thigh right now, from closing my car door while my hands were full.

Stupid rat! Ow.

Today's song: "I Love Trash"-Oscar the Grouch. From a really terrif old Sesame Street album that also includes "It's Not Easy Being Green" and "Rubber Duckie."

Current Book: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. One of my kiddos recommended it-wow! Gotta give that kid some extra credit....

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