2002-01-14 10:28 p.m.

Today, I rant. Prepare for apoplectic EduCate! (Taking a deeeep breath)

Some things that really hack me off:

1) Children who are sent to school lacking basic social skills, such as knowing not to defecate in the middle of the bathroom floor when you're in middle school. (Don't ask; I'm over-sharing already.)

2) Female colleagues of mine who leave the toilet seat wet after they use the john. If you're not gonna SIT on it, RAISE it, fercryinoutloud!

3) Whining. Don't care who does it-kids, dogs, grown men. Just. Stop. It. Now.

4) People who roll their eyes and say, "Whatever."

5) People who think they're allowed to drive on any road I want to use. Yes, I do own the road, thank you.

6) School superintendents who view children as "product" and teachers as "consumables."

7) SCA folks who claim someone's being "unchivalrous" for disagreeing, politely, with anyone else. Thinking for yourself is not unchivalrous. Getting defensive and hostile when someone disagrees with you politely is pretty silly, and displays a great deal of insecurity and self-absorption. Bah!

8) People who make lists of stuff that hacks them off!

Seriously, folks, today my rage-o-meter is wayyy off the charts. I'm pretty fed up with the whole shootin' match at school. I wonder if anyone, other than Women of a Certain Age, really comprehends the vast reservoirs of rage lurking beneath the matronly exteriors of your average middle-aged woman. I've addressed this before, but sometimes it really scares me. It's probably a good thing that I haven't trained more women in self-defense, and that most women have a pretty good idea of how to constructively use all that anger-energy. I do know that today would not have been a good day for anyone who chose to mug me!

Today the Headbone Radio is playing: Snow by Loreena McKennitt (the little deejay in my head is telling me to chill out!)

Today's book: Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes; we're reading it in my classes at school, and it is still terrific after 59 years in print.

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