Glowing Green Thumbs (and Big Toes, too)
2006-04-30 6:54 p.m.

What does a frustrated gardener do after twenty years of apartment-balcony gardening when she FINALLY has a yard?

She plants:

-two "Baby Sun" coreopsis
-purple and white creeping lantana
-a purple/red butterfly bush
-coral honeysuckle
-purple clematis
-tuberous begonias
-two pink astilbes
-many, many gomphrena seedlings
-brass buttons as groundcover
-creeping jenny
-lots of ajuga!

...over two afternoons.

Yup. I'm tired.

Still to come: more dead nettle (the shade garden is still a bit bare), herbs, some begonias after the pansies fade...yes, my green thumb glows in the dark. I'm a garden junkie.

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