Viral Soup
2005-11-29 11:12 p.m.

The week after a holiday in a middle school in a Navy town is very interesting. Our kiddos have been all over the map, so many of them have brought back leftover viruses and other germy bits. Then we all get together in our big sealed cinderblock habitat and share air. No one covers orifices when sneezing or coughing, and no one washes the germy little hands with which they paw their poor old teachers.

So, yes, we're all getting sick.

Right now, we have two varieties, the Coughing Sickness and the Barfing Illness. I seem to be getting the Coughing variety, but it could be residual dust from the Big Bedroom Rearrangement. Teachers whose kids have the Barfing are reporting an initial Barfer, followed within two days by many Additional Barfers and lots of absentees. Can't wait for that one to hit my classes. (Sounds like what the Mongols had recently, eh, Amy?)

Can't put off the flu shot any more. Helps that the school system had to cancel all of our flu shot clinics, due to lack of vaccine.

I'm staying away from birds.

To add insult to injury, Casey the Wonder Borkita is coughing again AND has Biowarfare Butt. Poor old guy. He just finished a round of (expensive) antibiotics for a UTI, and now he's gacking. I'm hoping it will pass. Maybe the dust got to him, too.

On the brighter side, yesterday was a gorgeous, sunny day, and I planted camellias (Tom Knudsen, a red variety) and mowed the front lawn. Mulching the leaves with the mower is great fun. Like vacuuming, only outside.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping the transgender carpenter will show up, I'll be able to purchase porch columns, and I can do some potty demolition.

Gotta go type a test and some unit plans. Stay healthy, y'all!

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