2005-09-11 8:20 p.m.

By popular demand, here are the teach-em books I bought:

Breaking the Rules: Liberating Writers Through Innovative Grammar Instruction by Edgar H. Schuster

Tried and True: Lessons, Strategies, and Activities for Teaching Secondary English by Joe Antinarella and Ken Salbu

When Kids Can't Read: What Teachers Can do by Kylene Beers

Haven't started reading yet, because I've been doing church stuff all weekend. The second one (Joe's book) should be awesome, because Joe is a blend of Albus Dumbledore and Mr. Kotter. He's amazing, really.

I also reconnected with a classic this summer: Teaching As a Subversive Activity by Neal Postman. I got it as a gift from the Samurai's friend Mikey-Bob, who intoduced us to each other. Mike's now an Ivy league college professor, and I'm still grateful to him, both for having the vision to buy me a book that would still be meaningful 22 years later and picking out my husband for me (he didn't much care for my boyfriend at the time).

Must go do lesson plans and update our team's web site. Got a pizza to eat, too.

Note to Knitgeek: Beeeeee careful! You need all your bits!

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