Lil' brudders
2005-07-24 9:20 p.m.

My two brothers are wonderful fellows.

Middle Bro Larry came from Orygun to Our Fair Coastal City this weekend, for his 20th HS reunion. Hard to believe he's really that old! It seems like just yesterday that he was a skinny little towheaded boy fishing for bass in the lake across the street. Now he's a silver-haired gent, as we all go gray early in my family. (No, my hair is not *really* brown anymore. It's Better Living Through Chemistry.) His face is youthful, and he still has the brightest blue eyes ever. It's been two years since we saw him, so we had lots of talking to do.

Youngest bro, Raj, and his lovely wife, Kim,entertained Larry so the Samurai and I could go to the writing project finale party at Yodaperfesser's place. It was great fun watching sloshed teachers do readings of their own writing. Some of it was superb, most of it at least entertaining. The Yodaperfesser throws a mean party!

Saturday involved lots of driving around in the back of Kim's car. The Samurai and I, being small little microbe persons, got the jump seats. Nephew Alex found our clambering about highly amusing. Got to see Raj and Kim's new place, on an acre in the middle of relatively undeveloped Cheesapeake. Looks like Our Fair Coastal City did in 1970, when our folks moved there: fields, farms, twisty roads, and deer. Kim made faces when the boys and I reminisced about the snakes we used to find in our house growing up. (We grew, not the snakes.) Raj probably doesn't remember Smokey, my copperhead-killing Persian cat, five pounds of snake-slaughtering silver fur. We learned to tell bad snakes from good ones, and made pets of the little greensnakes we'd find in the garden. Don't think Kim likes snakes. Alex will, though. He's his daddy's boy.

Had family and old friends at our house for dinner last night. Entertaining at the hoose makes it feel more like a home than ever. I'm planning some major hoose work this week, mostly indoors. The outside stuff will wait until it's not 100-plus degrees and steamish. One of my neighbors has taken to mowing the lawn at night, a practice which is sounding better every hot, murky day.

Off to eat pizza and laze about. This is my first real lazing of the summer! Casey will be happy to have me stationary for once. Poor old guy. He had to deal with three kids yesterday, one of whom was terrified of dogs when he got here and left proclaiming our placid old pup "the best dog ever."

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