Millipede Head
2005-05-25 6:59 p.m.

Hmmmmm. What a stressful week. My brain is running in so many directions that, if you opened my skull, you'd see little gray millipedes. What a yucky image that is.

The Samurai and I are currently working through some stuff. Nothing marriage-endangering, really, just frustrating for both of us. When you're nearly twenty years hitched, this stuff comes up. You get used to each other's little habits, then you suddenly realize that a bigger issue is lurking behind the familiar, comfortable couple-stuff, waiting to pounce. We dragged ours out and beat it up, so now we're working on it. Geez, marriage is hard sometimes! Worthwhile, but not always easy.

SOL testing started in earnest yesterday. We had English-Reading and Literature, which the kids were freaked about. Last week, we took the released test from last year, and only 66% passed, so they were determined to do better. Three hours of silent testing ensued, with nary a peep or utterance, but they were crazy with relief afterwards. Today was Math, with the same general result. For me, these days mean I'm with kids from 8:30 to 1:15, with NO BREAKS. If I come out of this without a bladder infection, it will be a miracle.

Tomorrow, the ENTIRE school tests, in History. (All the other tests are 8th graders only.) For two hours, EVERY CHILD in my building, all 2200 of them, will be testing silently, It's eerie. You can hear them all breathing, but the usual kid sounds are absent. Kinda like middle school zombie land. Creeeepy.

Then, Friday, we have Science, and we're done, done, done. I still have to convince the kiddos to do some Shakespeare, or 9th grade will be very cruel to them.

Add to all of this the fact that my Dinoperfesser decided to move our midterm to next Tuesday, instead of Thursday. Sadist.

Oh, and it's raining, so my knee-high grass is just growing more (Walt Whitman called it "the long uncut hair of graves") and the water is still cascading down next to the porch, where our gutter dips too low and there's no downspout. Gotta get a carpenter/handyman type to come repair the rotten fascia, maybe elevate the gutter, and check the roof. This must occur before I can paint the hoose, after school is out.

We still have no AC, but at least it's cold outside. Did I mention the AC difficulty? Turns out we need a whole new electrical panel, because our 28 year old bus bar is corroded. This is why stuff goes BOOM around here alla time. Yeah, I know, you coulda told me that. Smarty pants.

Must go do yoga, put clothes away, scrub bathrooms, and read about regional dialects. Wee hee.

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