Tavern Crawling
2005-01-16 10:40 p.m.

Yesterday found me drudging away at hoose tasks. I had cleaned the carpets in the yucky stinky family room on Friday night (loves my steam cleaner, yes I does), and decided to tackle the kitchen floor. I had to scrape off old paint, scrub as hard as I could, then hit the whole thing with no-wax floor finish just to get it all uniformly the same color and semi-dull. I think that linoleum's gotta go this summer!

Anyway, my kitchen area finally feels more housey and less warehousey, and I was planning to unpack boxes all night, but we got a phone call from the Samurai's younger cousins, who are visiting in Northern Va.

Would we meet them in Billsburg for dinner? Well, sure we would! At a pseudo-Tudor "bawdy" tavern, no less!

We were sort of surprised, because we are the "old" cousins. Adam, who looks a lot like Buddy Holly, was three when we got married. His sister Laura, a lovely gazelle-like young mother, was five. And Dana, my favorite special ed teacher, was twelve. We felt elderly.

I put my authenticity-freak endencies on the shelf for the evening, and we had a fine time. Turns out Adam used to play the Fool at this establishment, so it was old home week for him. The Samurai's fuzzy noggin got lots of wench stroking, and the jokes were pretty good. It was odd to realize that all of the Samurai's little girl cousins are now mommies, but not one of the boy cousins is currently married. (Cud'n Ben in Nawlins is divorced, for good reason.) It was lovely to see Adam and Laura. They are here because their dad, Uncle Ned, a fine bastion of sarcasm and skepticism, is dying of lung cancer. They are surprisingly serene about the whole process, mostly because Ned is. He's not one to let stuff like dying interfere with his life. We'll be going north to see him soon.

So, today finds me laid low with the same stomach virus my kids have all suffered recently. Time to sleep, and watch the James Bond marathon on the telly. How did they get away with names like "Pussy Galore"?

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