Borkita Anxiety Attack
2004-08-27 11:42 p.m.

Today was my first full day back at school. Few of my colleagues were there, as most opted for flex time earlier this week. I enjoyed a chance to work uninterrupted, unpacking my desk and planning next week, when teacher in-service really gets rolling.

My department head was there, doing her usual quick-change from caring friend to hyperactive control freak at the drop of a hat. Good thing I'm used to her, and love her dearly. We got some boring department stuff done, which means our three new English teachers won't have to deal with it. I like doing things to make life easier for fledgling teachers.

I came home exhausted, knees aching, and was attacked by my dog.

"Where have you *been*? Why haven't you been here with meeee?" Poor Casey is freaked out. I've spent most of the summer at home, and Mr. Fat Panda Doggie has become accustomed to having me at his beck and call. He mostly ignores me, unless he has to eat, poop, or get his ears scratched. Not tonight, though.

First he rolled over and whined, demanding that I pet him. Then he was hungry, needed water (he drinks like a fish), wanted a chew toy, and had to go out. Fine. All of those things happen in a normal day, just not all at once.

For the rest of the evening, I was under surveillance. I didn't get more than four feet away. When I went to the bathroom, I had to close the door to keep him out, and then I got cussed out in Borkita talk. (Like a wookiee, only louder.) He insisted on sitting ON my feet, no matter how hot it made me or how many times I moved them. I'd forgotten that he gets like this.

Next week will be rough on him. We're working longer days than usual, from 7:30-4:50, so he'll be mom-deprived in a big way. Poor ole doggie. The Samurai will be there for him, but he's kind of fixated on me.

Tomorrow, we get to go look at houses. I can't wait! I had a vivid dream last night about the garden I want to plant. Nothing elaborate, mostly herbs, some veggies, and flowers for cutting. Kind of a cottage kitchen garden, with some stuff in there for the birds and bees, too.

Oh, for those of you who know my dad, Mom called from Oregon t let us know that he would be having an angioplasty today. He's been having chest pains, and I warned him that his doctor might poke him into the hospital when he went in to get checked out. He had a narrowed artery, just like the one that killed his mom, so he had a cath procedure today, and he's doing fine, flirting with the nurses. He's very healthy in all other respects, so he should be around for a long while. Modern cardiology is so awesome!

On the Headbone: One Step Closer, the Doobie Brothers. I don't know why; it's a mystery.

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