Doggie News
2004-08-06 2:57 p.m.

I've been neglecting my doggie, so I must bore you all with the latest Casey news.

First, the Fat Dog went to the vet on Wednesday for a blood test, weigh-in, and general checkup. I'm pleased to report that Mr. Lardbutt now weighs a mere 101, down from 110 in June. Hooray, Casey! He's feelin' good, too.

His bloodwork was normal, so we're continuing with the thyroid meds. His fur, formerly patchy over the shoulders, is filling in nicely. I should have lots of brushing to do this winter.

Casey continues to charm folks at the vet's office. As we waited on Wednesday, he flopped down on the floor to rest. A man sitting near us let his Boston terrier come over to say hello. The little monster touched noses with Casey, then began dancing around. Casey gently pinned him with an enormous paw, then began cleaning the terrier's ears. They both seemed happy.

Casey was polite to the vet techs, as always, but refused to go anywhere with them. I had to come, too, or he'd just sit there, passively immobile. He's still a real wuss about getting out of the van. He'll hover on the edge of the doorframe, all four paws clustered together, moaning and teetering, until he has to go forward. He'd be really happy if I'd lift him down, but I really don't need a hernia.

Last night, the Samurai had a yen for a walk around 11 PM (yes, I've exposed him to sunlight to check for vampirism), so we laced on our sneakers. It was lovely and cool outside, for a change, and we were going to ramble around and scare the neighbors. Casey surprised us by getting very excited and woofling, begging to be included in our walk. (Usually he's snoring by ten.) He pranced along merrily for about 3/4 of a mile, then dragged a little more each yard until we got home. He's tired today, but he doesn't seem sore or stiff. He's got the hang of walking with us, too. He knows the goal is to keep moving, not to stop and mark territory. He loves walking with his pack!

Must go see what he's woofing at. I have grocery shopping to do, too. Triple coupons today! I have mine all organized, with a battle plan...errr, shopping list and everything.

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