Preacher Weddin' Hoedown
2004-07-21 12:39 a.m.

Well, sportsfans, days and days of no new entries mean EduCait is depressed.

I am generally an optimistic, glass-half-full-likely-to-be-refilled-soon kind of gal. However, sometimes I do get depressed. When I do, it's deep, black, dark, scary depression. I just spent two days there, for reasons that I won't go into here, and it wasn't pretty.

What makes me feel better is having stuff to do. (Doing violence to the ficus tree's former pot with a hammer helped, too.) Right now I'm supposed to be packing so I can go to Nashville for five days and help the Samurai's dad, the Preacher, get married AGAIN.

Miss Inez finally set a date, so we're having us a wedding and a barby-choo. Should be interesting. We've been asked to come early because Dad has chores for me to do. Sometimes I feel like a draft horse. I'm taking two of my three not-trailer dresses with me. I hope one of them is suitable. If not, Dad's new house is near some awesome shopping. I might take a field trip to find a good needlework shop while I'm there. I have a few embroidery projects cooking, and I need more thread.

Next weekend, we'll be heading to NYC for our first-ever visit, along with numerous Diaryland denizens, to watch Evja marry her cat. (That cat has one of the *finest* backsides I've ever seen on a, erm, cat. Lucky girl. Smart girl. Marriage is one way to get captive eye candy.) We hope to have time to take in some of the Big Apple, as well. Should be fun! I even have a new non-hillbilly dress, which I will premiere there, pending Thjora's approval.

Must go; gotta finish packing, and paint toenails a lurid shade of fluorescent pink (de rigeur for Deep South summer wear, dontcha know). I'll be up early to deliver the Wonder Borkita to his pet hotel.

Just finished reading: Darwin's Radio, Greg Bear. Now I have to hunt up the sequel....

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