Plague and Fire(works)
2004-05-21 10:34 p.m.

Well, this is already promising to be a most unhappy little weekend.

Both the Samurai and I are sick. This cold thingy must be virulent indeed, since I have 17 years' worth of teaching-induced germ exposure under my belt (we old teachers are rarely sick, unlike the tender, new ones) and the Samurai is a major hardass with a rock-solid constitution.

We have the snots, coughing, fever and chills, sneezing, and general lethargy. All we want to do is sleep. Tonight we are bookending the sofa, wrapped in superhero blankies, eating chicken and rice (a favored comfort food) and watching bad TV. The Samurai canceled his aikido class, something that happens once every geological era. Poor Casey is confused by all the weird snorking noises emanating from his humans.

We're also under siege. This weekend is the Chesapeake Jubilee, which celebrates Chesapeake's transformation from its former county status to a hotbed of redneck culture.It's sort of a poor man's county fair, and it happens right over behind our house. This subjects us to major traffic in every direction, folks parking illegally all over our complex and walking to the festival through yards, and lots of noise and alfresco peepee late at night. The cool side benefit is that we are directly under the fireworks on Saturday night. (Oh, and we can hear Eddie Money performing live even with the windows closed. Woot!)

Did I mention that we are sick? And our heads hurt? And that we are now the parents of a Wonder Borkita who pees and trembles when it thunders?

I guess we'll have to load our drippy selves into the Space Van and get Casey outta here for a while tomorrow night. If you see a green van drifting aimlessly along a highway in rural NC with what looks like a huge fluffy panda inside, that will be us. If we're not back by Sunday, call the Coast Guard, lest we become trapped in a modern Flying Dutchman scenario.

I gotta go make the boys watch TLC. It's my turn to hog the remote.

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