Soooo tirrrred
2004-05-07 9:20 p.m.

I am soooo exhausted. Sucked dry. Lifeless. Void. Empty.

I'll be a good little follower of destructions, though, Nikulai. You told me to:

1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open the book to page 23.

3. Find the fifth sentence (not line, sentence).

4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

"Many Beijing residents ride bicycles." McDougall Littell Language Network-my school's writing textbook.

I know, all work and no play makes Cait a dull grrrl. I am too tired even for greasy Chinese and Jackman in leather with Hrothny and Co. I was askeert that I'd run into a tree on my way home. I am sooo done.

My dog is keeping me company. He's taught me some new things this week:

*Vacuuming should never happen at night. He reacts to the headlight on my vac like he does to flashlights, only without the peeing. Poor pup.

*Borkitas do not deign to eat cucumbers.

*Borkitas love to lick yogurt containers. Casey comes running when he hears the foil lid being peeled off my Dannon. How he hears it, I'll never know, but he watches me intently, knowing he'll get the carton.

*Small dogs are a MAJOR threat to his doghood and to me, while large dogs are greeted with a friendly "woofle" and a tail wave.

*WalMart bags blowing down the sidewalk are EVIL, and must be vanquished with Wonder Borkita might and brave posturings!

*If the Samurai goes to sleep in the recliner, don't wedge yourself under his footrest. Yipe!

*If you are a big fat dog, you must walk down the stairs fast to avoid getting kicked in the butt.

I guess I'll go eat leftovers now, and take Casey for a squirt. Maybe I'll have energy tomorrow.

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