Mmm, caramel!
2004-04-09 8:06 p.m.

I have survived the end of another quarter at school, through liberal application of caramel Hershey's kisses. Mmmmmm. Caramel.

My least favorite part of teaching is the plethora of deadlines involved. Most of these involve HUGE piles of paper, too. If I could do the classroom part without the paper part, I'd be much happier.

In other breaking news, Casey the Wonder Borkita is down to 99 lbs. He's pretty lively, too. Likes to hop up on the couch when we aren't looking. He's also decided that a minimum of thirty minutes must be devoted to ear scratching activities when I arrive home from work. If I try to cut him off after, say, ten minutes, he follows me around and nudges me, hard. I think he's part Ferenghi--you know, the snaggle-toothed big-eared guys from Star Trek who get off on having their ears fondled. If he starts quoting the Rules of Acquisition, I won't be at all surprised.

I have no idea what we're doing for Easter. I think we're going to my sister-in-law's mom's house. Maybe. We'll see. I'd like to go back to the lovely Presbyterian church we found, but never attend, if I can get up early enough.

Something to be happy about: a year ago today, I had a stroke. I won't have any more, thanks to wonderful advances in cardiac catheterization!

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