No free time!
2004-03-14 4:00 p.m.

One of these days, I'm going to have some free time. Really.

Well, I survived SOL writing tests. Round 2 is in June. I'm stocking up on alcohol for those, because by June I'll be allowed to imbibe again. Something about SOLs just makes me thirst for margaritas.

Friday, I got to spend quality time with the Prophet of Marinus. We're plotting some estrogen-grrl activities. Maybe a Firefly Night at my house (yumm! Cap'n Tightpants!) or some shopping. Something fun. It's good to spend time with Hrothny; she has a way of re-aligning my perspective.

Yesterday, Casey-boy went to the vet. He startled a few folks just by being a big Borkita. One guy kept staring at the "Dog Breeds of America" poster, trying to find Casey on it. He was impressed by Casey's resemblance to a panda. In Casey's defense, he's lost weight, and he's getting more chipper as he gets smaller. Our vet was utterly charmed by him, and he was a total gentledog. He has a big-time ear infection, but he's so cooperative about being medicated that it's not a huge deal. Medicating Junior's ears always turned into a huge dog rasslin' jamboree, with my body covered in as much medicine as June's ears.

Went to dinner and a movie with the Lost Boys and Pwincess, afterwards. Saw one of my students at the mall; I thought he'd faint from the horror of it all. His TEACHER goes SHOPPING, and she even has FRIENDS! OMG, must tell everyone!

We saw "Secret Window," by dint of Pwincess and I chanting "John-ee Depp!" until the boyz relented. Lots of Deppy goodness. Silly movie, but Deppinately fun to look at. In my humble Deppinion, that is.

Today, I have hausfrau stuff to do, shopping, washing, etc. Sigh.

What I really wanna do is work on my latest array of crackmonkey fun. It will just have to wait. Sigh.

Only a few more weeks until Hellboy! Yeah! Followed by Harry Potter 3 and Spidey! Woot!

Yup. I'm a geek!

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