no. go away.
2003-10-25 12:04 a.m.

No, I will not fill out that form. I'm busy teaching the children. Go away.

No, I cannot attend your dumb time-waster of a meeting. I'll be in class, teaching the children.

No, I am not on that committee. We don't need a committee for that, and I'm not on the unnecessary stupid committee, so leave me alone. I'm grading papers. Yes, that's right, for the kids. The students. Yes, them.

No, I am not going to give another standardized test. I already give 9 of them. I'm going to give a customized test. Yes, one that tests the things I taught the children. Maybe they actually learned something.

No, I am not going to halt my class so you can sell dance tickets, spirit ribbons, candygrams, or spirit shirts. We have stuff to learn. Get lost.

No, I am not going to send Jim-Bob to the office, clinic, library, or gym for "just a minute." He has a test to finish. I'll send him when he's done.

No, I am not going to drive to Mr. X's house to get him to fill out his kid's federal card. He can come to school. His legs ain't broke. If he won't do that, send those guys in the suits after him. Isn't that why they're here? Or do they hold those desks up with their feet?

No, I am not going to fill out another evaluation. You got mad at me last time because I used the F word when you told me to "be honest." I'm going to go plan some fun, meaningful learning experiences now.

No, I am not going to tell your daughter about sex, STDs, AIDS, and pregnancy. YOU are. You're her momma; I'm just the lady who intercepted the note about the two guys she's having sex with.

No, I'm not going to provide your child with paper, pens, pencils, breakfast, lunch money, tissues, band-aids, lotion, sanitary supplies, tylenol, or sleep. I'm already bringing learning and love. That's what I signed up for. You signed up for that other stuff.


Just watched: Lilo and Stitch. Cried like a baby when Nani sang "Aloha." I think I'm in love with Cobra Bubbles.

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