Booger Head
2003-02-07 5:08 p.m.

I'm tempted to respond to all the political foo flinging here in D-land, but I'll resist. I hate being labeled, as none of them really fit me, so I'll just be...EduCait, the Political Ninja! No one knows where I'll turn up! Conservative? Liberal? Ultra-left-of-center-radical-neo-Goth-centrist?

...except, of course, we all know I'm not. a. ninja. Really.

So, today, after being saddled with a three page ISS report from Mrs. EduCait (on the history of NASA and the Challenger explosion), my Goober returned to class, utterly unrepentant. No apology to the class. Big ole grin on his silly face. If the apology isn't written, and read, on Monday, he goes back to ISS for three days. Little booger head.

My darling kids had to dress up for a mock trial in Civics today. They looked so nice! I spent a lot of the day tying neckties, jury-rigging paper-clip tie bars, stapling fallen hems, you name it. Getting eighth graders into nice clothes is a lot like putting socks on centipedes. The funny part is that they'll all be back with prom pictures in a few years. They are so cute! Sometimes I am just speechless with love for my kids.

We can't go to Ymir. Boogers. I really wish we could be there! Y'all have fun. At least my grandboys are coming over tonight to keep me entertained.

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