2003-02-02 8:22 p.m.

My sister called me yesterday morning to tell me that Columbia had just become a blazing hail over Texas.

I know that space travel is risky. I watched the Challenger explode. I remember the failed Apollo missions. I've always admired the people who kept NASA going in spite of the setbacks and disappointments.I hope this doesn't deter us from reaching for the stars.

I guess I've read too much scifi; my childhood was spent immersed in Heinlein, Asimov, and Doc Smith. I love Homer Hickam and Orson Scott Card, for their visions of spaceflight. I watch Farscape and Star Trek and wish I could go, too.

Last night, I cuddled my infant nephew and wondered if he might venture into space someday. I regard him with awe and fear: awe at his potential, and fear for what it would do to my heart to lose him in a fiery instant.

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