2003-01-15 11:22 p.m.

This morning, around 5 AM, a couple of good ole Virginia Beach school administrator boys were shufflin' around in the cold, clutching styrofoam cups of bad coffee.

Eyeing the fitful flakes falling from the sky, one mumbled,"Shucks, ain't doin' nothin' outcheer. Let's have school today."

"Awright by me. Road's dry." muttered the other.

By 7AM, about an inch of snow had fallen, and temperatures had dropped a few degrees. By 7:30, when I cautiously pulled the Space Van onto the road, most streets in the area looked like something Puckeater could play on. Nice, smooth black ice.

My usual 15-minute drive took me an hour today. I counted 7 accidents in 7 miles. 5 of them involved SUVs. Makes one wonder, eh?

I got to school on time, totally changed my lesson plans, and sat around waiting for kids to arrive.

Adter lunch, I helped answer phones in the office. Boy, were those parents pissed. We gave 'em the numbers of those two school administration guys.

My bus duty this afternoon involved stopping any potential snowball fights. I love my job.

It's supposed to snow more tomorrow night. Please, pleeeease, let it happen before 5 AM!

On the Headbone: Summer in Siam, the Pogues. Gosh, I love Shane McGowan!

Reading today: A Country of Strangers by Conrad Richter, about a "white Indian" girl after the French and Indian War. Excellent and caustic.

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