Bah! Bah! Bah!
2002-11-19 9:59 p.m.

I gave out NINE detentions today.

My kids have turned into Slytherins. They're being rude, mouthy, surly, slovenly, lazy, and generally unbearable. Their parents seem to think that this is MY fault, and that their darlings would be lovely children if I would just come to school every day at 7:30 (an hour early) to tutor them. Odd how quickly that idea passes when I inform them that tutoring with me costs $40 an hour. I can't tutor my own students outside contract hours, anyway, AND there are folks PAID to tutor in our homework center, free of charge to parents, from 7:30-8:30.Don't these people READ the crap they sign at the start of the year? BAH!

So, tomorrow I review for a test on Thursday, which my kids will fail. I just know it in my bones.

Tomorrow, my mom and dad arrive from Oregon. It will be good to see them; it's been a year and a half. Mom will chatter us to death, and Daddy will tell me all about his new orchestra and their Harry Potter/LoTR movie music concert last Friday. He loves conducting, and Salem is big on live music, so he's in retired musician heaven.

On the Headbone: the drinking song from the Green Dragon

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